Thursday 4 November 2010


Montrose Smile Studio brings Mouth Cancer Action Month to Twickenham

Montrose Smile Studio the dentist in Twickenham is helping to raise awareness of Mouth Cancer Action Monthby organising an event for the campaign.

In the UK mouth cancer is diagnosed in more than 5,000 people annually and kills almost 2,000 people each year – one death every five hours.
Running for the duration of November, the campaign features the tagline ‘If In Doubt, Get Checked Out’ urges the public to visit their dentist for oral screening.
Professional check-ups and regular self-examinations are the best route to early detection of mouth cancer.

Early diagnosis saves lives, improving survival chances from just half of cases to more than 90%.
Early warning signs include ulcers which do not heal within three weeks, red and white patches in the mouth and unusual changes in the mouth.

Montrose Smile Studio in Whitton, Twickenham is opening its doors for free oral screening examinations from Monday 1st November to Tuesday 30th November 2010 inclusive. Please call us on 02088944639 to reserve your time or request an appointment online. All are invited to come along and receive a professional screening which can help save lives in mouth cancer cases.

For example: Dr Khan commented:
“We are delighted to get involved in Mouth Cancer Action Month in Twickenham. It is vital that people are aware of the risks and are checked regularly for signs of mouth cancer – early detection saves lives.”

Mouth Cancer Action Month also aims to raise awareness of a disease which has remained under-reported for too long. Prevention is key and lifestyle choices can help minimise risks.

Dr Nigel Carter, Chief Executive of campaign organisers the British Dental Health Foundation, commented:

“We are delighted that Montrose Smile Studio has joined the many dental practices, schools, health professionals and community groups promoting Mouth Cancer Action Month.
“Three-quarters of cases are linked to tobacco and alcohol so it is important that smokers are encouraged to quit and alcohol is drunk in moderation.
“The human papilloma virus (HPV), transmitted via oral sex, and poor diets are also linked to mouth cancer. Worryingly the disease is also now affecting a younger group of people and many more who display none of the traditional risk factors.
“Yet early diagnosis can really make the difference so make sure you visit a dentist regularly and check your mouth as often as possible, it could just save your life.”

CONTACT US ON 02088944639

Friday 17 September 2010

Dentistry that's kind to your teeth and your pocket

Tell me what you think …

Is the recession putting stress on your teeth?

Are you concerned that your teeth may not survive the recession?

What good is your mouth, if you can’t eat, speak or smile with confidence?

This person did not neglect their teeth on purpose but due to ignorance.

  1. Their teeth became stained due to years of drinking tea and coffee as well as having curries.
  2. Due to lack of basic dental education and infrequent dental visits, majority of their back teeth crumbled away which were subsequently removed. Due to the lifestyle their back teeth were beyond repair when we saw them.
  3. Now there are hardly any back teeth left to chew properly. The remaining teeth continue to wear away due to bad bite and with time are likely to chip and crack.
  4. Eating at the back is now challenging and they avoid foods that they can’t eat comfortably.
  5. The trade off for saving on short term cost was loss of biting teeth at the back.

Regular visits to a dentist could have avoided teeth crumbling and becoming unsightly. Accurate diagnosis and early preventive advice would have saved years of dental problems and misery of not enjoying eating food. You neglect your teeth and gums at your own peril. This person now needs repair at the front and more back teeth so that they can use their back teeth for eating and chewing instead of the front ones.

Would you like preventive dental healthcare that is not just kind to your teeth but also kind to your pocket?

In these times, everyone is looking for one answer that will help them bust their recession. Let our TORCH guide you through, bring your teeth back to life and make your money go further.

TORCH is a simple and easier way of helping you looking after your mouth. You can identify problems that are in the making before they happen. Recession or not, you can still feel good about your dental health and keep smiling.

It focuses on your everyday dental needs. It is designed to make you feel confident that your mouth and your teeth will not fall apart. You will be amazed to learn how easy it is to become part of it.

Our TORCH offers:

  1. Two oral health examinations a year (including routine x-rays) each combined with a hygiene appointment for gum therapy
  2. A convenient monthly payment by direct debit
  3. Access to our up to date health guides and dental health education
  4. Same day emergency appointments during our opening hours
  5. Pay-out on diagnosis of oral cancer
  6. Emergency Callout Insurance if you need to see a dentist anywhere in the world
  7. Worldwide Dental Trauma Insurance against the cost of large unforeseen accidental damage
  8. Tooth replacement with a Dental Implant after any Dental Trauma
  9. Redundancy protection for your TORCH plan for up to 12 months
  10. 10% reduction on any further treatment recommendations

TORCH could be your best option for protecting your mouth, budgeting monthly and saving money.

Take action TODAY, call us NOW on 020 8894 4639 or request a FREE non-clinical review online.

TORCH scheme membership is subject to status, Terms and Conditions apply.

Thursday 29 July 2010

Help for broken down teeth and smiles...

Living Teeth, Life-like Smiles!

Everybody has a desire to look and feel good...

...but some people’s teeth get damaged for reasons beyond their control.

We know that the majority of people have teeth that are born healthy. It’s the way they grow or the way they are looked after (throughout life) that makes people consider restoring their Smiles.

  • Family members may have passed comments that makes them stand up and listen
  • Teeth may be slowly destroyed due to constant grinding
  • Some have a sweet tooth which causes teeth to decay
  • Old fillings may be getting tired and start falling out despite constant repairs
  • A tooth might have discoloured due to trauma or previous dental treatment
  • People looking to avoid unhealthy appearance
  • Front teeth may be overcrowded that would take too long to correct with a fixed brace
  • There is a lack of self-esteem for some who show it by not smiling or hiding their teeth when they smile
  • Front teeth may be too gappy or misaligned due to teeth missing or gum disease
  • Previous cosmetic improvements might not have worked
  • Looking for better job opportunities

Before visiting our Twickenham Dental Practice

After treatment with Dental Crowns and Tooth Whitening

At Montrose Smile Studio, the dentist in Twickenham our philosophy is to offer support where we can.  Our dental treatments offer something for everyone, ensuring that you have complete confidence in your dental health and appearance.

Now your smile can be rejuvenated in 5 easy steps, making you look better than ever before.

  1. Find a dentist with the right qualifications and make an appointment
  2. Discuss your hopes and aspirations
  3. See the results that are achievable
  4. Have a trial smile
  5. Show off your life-like happy and healthy smile to everyone

Your new smile has now become your signature.

If you have any concerns or questions, please call us today on 020 8894 4639, email us, or request an appointment online 

Monday 19 July 2010

Bad breath (halitosis) - your problems answered...

What causes bad breath?

Most people suffer from bad breath occasionally. However, if it becomes permanent and occurs on regular basis you should consult your dentist or dental hygienist.

Bad breath is usually brought on by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria somewhere in the mouth. However, there are several other possible causes that affect the airways, oe-sophagus and stomach that can also lead to bad breath. Our hygienists have been well trained on how to detect bad breath and its cause.

Factors that affect the mouth and cause bad breath

  1. Dental decay
  2. Gum disease
  3. Food stagnation between the teeth
  4. Dry mouth
  5. Excessive bacterial activity on the tongue, possibly due to postnasal drip (catarrh coming down the back of the throat from the sinuses and nasal passages)
  6. Throat or tonsil infection
  7. Gastritis and food reflux
  8. Food stagnation

In rare cases, bad breath can be a sign of a significant general health problem, so it should not be ignored. However, the usual cause is oral, which can often be treated to re-solve the problem.

How can bad breath be treated?
As bad breath is almost always caused by a problem in the mouth, it is helpful to visit a dentist. Do not try to mask the odour before the visit - it needs to be as typical as possible.
If there is any dental treatment required to eliminate disease or avoid food stagnation areas, this will be carried out. If no oral cause can be identified by the dentist or your hygienist, it may be necessary for you to be referred for further diagnosis.

Some people become excessively concerned about bad breath, in which case a psycho-logical professional can help put what may in reality be a minor problem into perspective.

What can you do for yourself?

  • Maintain a high level of oral and dental hygiene. In addition to brushing, it is important to clean between the teeth using dental floss or an inter-dental brush on daily basis or as recommended by your dentist or dental hygienist and also use use a tongue cleaner and clean right to the back of the tongue.
  • Use a mouthwash recommended by your dentist or dental hygienist. The best time to use it is just before sleeping. Retardex tooth paste, mouthwash and oral spray are great to help treat halitosis.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, avoiding too much coffee/tea- as those will dehydrate you
  • Clean your mouth after eating milk products, fish and meat.
  • Chew sugar-free gum, especially if your mouth feels dry.
  • Eat fresh, fibrous vegetables.
  • Visit your dentist regularly and have your teeth professionally cleaned as required.

- Petra Holaskova (Dental Hygienist in Twickenham)

Sunday 4 July 2010

Beating your dental fear

Many people do not seek a dentist until they are in extreme pain …….. 
when it’s too late.

Are you one of many people who are nervous about any aspects of dental treatment, like:
Gagging when an instrument is in your mouth?    
The scraping sound when teeth are being cleaned?
The noise of tooth being drilled for a filling?
Feeling out of control when a tooth is being removed or lying back in the chair?
Hate having an injection in your mouth?                

If so, FEAR NOT! We can help people with similar concerns or any other forms of dental fear. 

For such people there are different forms of dental sedation. This helps relieve their dental anxiety and feel confident about future dental visits.

There are many forms of dental sedation that are available:
1. Oral sedation – a tablet is swallowed an hour before the dental appointment which helps to calm the person before any dental work is started.
2. Intravenous sedation – for a very anxious person this form of sedation allows dental treatment to be carried out with ease.
3. Gas and air sedation – is usually best for children under 16.
4. Hypnotherapy – some people may find this form of relaxation helpful for certain dental procedures.

Above all, the fact that a helpful and friendly attitude of our dental team in Twickenham has been fantastic in making people feel very safe and comfortable, is of paramount importance.

Monday 14 June 2010

Tooth Whitening in Twickenham

 Dr Erum Khan


Are you prepared to be ZOOMed?
Everybody has a desire to look and feel good about themselves NOW you can with our Professional Teeth Whitening in Twickenham.

This is our “MOST WANTED” makeover service and people can’t help but smile afterwards with their “new” look. It makes other people more inquisitive as to what is different about them.

Take a look at the results that this patient achieved.

People consider Teeth Whitening for all sorts of reasons like
  1. Their Big (Wedding) Day - Most people want to capture and treasure their wedding day inside beautiful pictures with happy smiles, forever
  2. Looking for better career opportunities in their lives where their smile portrays a warm welcoming and confident image to others.
  3. Socially wanting to look good at parties with friends
  4. Before going away on holidays – Happy holiday snaps become more amazing
  5. Boosting their self-confidence that brings out the best in them
  6. Dating – I know I will enjoy more talking to someone with a nice, bright smile
  7. Comments from others making them feel self-conscious – I have had people requesting whitening because of comments from their grandchildren
Wanting youthful looks – we all love to look and feel young all the time.
It is not true that Teeth Whitening damages teeth. It is also not true that yellow teeth are healthier than whiter teeth. Teeth Whitening is a non-invasive and safe procedure that can be achieved in as little as 1 hour, giving lasting results.

There are many techniques for Teeth Whitening to suit your requirements and lifestyle so if you have any concerns or questions please call us on 020 8894 4639 or pop in to our Twickenham Dental Practice

Asti had concerns about the colour of his teeth . He always wanted to have a bright smile.
As he was getting married, now was the perfect opportunity for him to get what he wanted. He had his whitening done because he was impressed with his soon to be wife’s Teeth Whitening that was also done by us. 
After Teeth Whitening he was happy to give us his testimonial.  

Monday 17 May 2010

Dental Implants to replace missing teeth

Daylight Robbbery - My front tooth is missing!

I want it back NOW.

There may be many reasons for missing teeth. Most commonly people loose them because of tooth decay, gum disease or unfortunate accidents and sometimes from birth.

How did you loose yours? Want to know what can be done?

Historically, the only solution for missing teeth was dentures. In some societies, dentures were provided as early as 21 years of age, leaving the person going through the rest of their life with false teeth. Can you just imagine socializing with false teeth?

Bridges are a perfect alternative where most healthy teeth are present. They are fixed that do not have to be removed at all. They look natural but need support from teeth on either side of the gap. However, as people’s dental health has improved with fluoride from tooth pastes, this option is becoming less favourable because people do not want their healthy teeth touched or reshaped.

Nowadays, people with single or several missing teeth are looking to be able to eat, laugh and talk with confidence just like anybody else. They are turning to Dental Implants as a superior alternative to improve and fulfil their quality of life.

5 steps to predictably replace missing teeth with Dental Implants
1. Find the right dentist with the right skills
2. Have a thorough assessment and discussion to address your suitability
3. Implant placement
4. Build new teeth over Implants
5. Enjoy your new improved self-confidence and quality of life

This person had 2 failing teeth due to dental abscesses. He did not want to have a permanent denture or other teeth ground down. They were removed and replaced with 2 dental implants and crowns, giving him a natural looking smile.